Gabrielle Dumont
Painter and illustrator
Encaustic on wood
Watercolor and ink on Canvas and paper
Acrylic and Mixed Mediums on Canvas

Since graduating in Fine Arts in 1992, Impressionisim has influenced my evolving exploration. Creating dreamlike journeys, living beings become emotional imprints. These windows of contemplation and tranquility seek to embody the splendor of life that inhabits my imagination. I am moved by the intensity, complexity, fragility and strength of these invisible entities engendering subtle states of mind.

My wish is to generate a union between the viewer and the essence of the work, creating the possibility of accompanying people's lives through my art.

I use encaustic painting, an ancient technique fusing beeswax and pigments with fire. This gives an antique aspect to my work by engraving and creating textures which can be akin to sculpture. The addition of gold leaf illuminates the subject.

« My life is inspired by Art
and Art inspires my life... »

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